Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Blog!

     Oh look, another "mom" blog! what shall you ever do??? Ha! 


        So, I'm Heather. I have been happily married to my best friend, Frank, for 10 years. We live on a small 5 acre lot that we are trying to make into a modern homestead, with live stock and produce. We have a teenage daughter, Hailey (Lord help us), Two teenage boys, Patrick and Christian, and our 8 year old gentleman, Luca. Here at the farmette we raise goats, chickens, pot belly piggies, and rabbits. Along with a dog, 4 cats, and 2 chinchillas that I was talked into. It gets hard, but we are chuggin' along.
       Our kids are homeschooled, so y'all will se a ton of posts about homeschooling, curriculum. There are a lot of mouths to feed here, and we never turn anyone away. I'm always looking for a way to budget something in, and make something homemade. It helps our wallets and homemade stuff is usually more natral and just plain better for ya! We can and preserve things,and put stuff up for the year. So you should find a collage of homesteading, homeschooling, farming, live stock, gardening, canning, preserving, health and beauty stuff, educational links for curriculum, goats, dairy, soapmaking, anything I can try to figure out how to do , I am going to post about. 
      The best part is that we have NO IDEA WHAT WE ARE DOING...LOL!! we grew up in the city, this is a whole new world, We are renovating a house that was abandoned for 4 years, figuring out gardens and animals, while teaching and raising the kids. So, it should be interesting!
       It gets hot in the South, and humid , and sticky, just like life can be. We have bigger dreams than we have wallets, and we are trusting i the Lord to make this all work. We have manners (most of the time), we love God and we try to be the best people that we can be. We are somma those "crazy" people that homeschool their kids, eat eggs from the back yard, and drink our water from the spiket :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world, Heather! You should go into your Blogger dashboard and add the widget to show your Blogger followers and allow people to add you via blogger. To follow you on Blogger, I had to go into MY dashboard and add your blog there since you didn't have your link showing on your blog. If you need help with it, let me know. Right now you are only offering a Google+ option for followers. You'll want to add a Pinterest followers' link, as well. Your total blog count comes from ALL sources added together, so you want to show as many counters and ways to follow as possible.
