Friday, July 11, 2014

Liking for science

My Discovery Page freebie -
Upcycle an old filing cabinet. Like the idea to add wood to top of this filing cabinet, makes it loo... -
Mom with a PREP | What the Heck does that Even Mean!? Terms like SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, WROL, EMP, Self-Su... -

Every homestead needs this.

Eating Animals You Raise: Separating Pets from Meat When you raise animals on a farm eventually eve... -

Oh how I

Heritage Meat Sheep Breeds These self-sufficient heritage meat sheep breeds can provide marketable ... -

The ice melts and the dinosaur is born!

Dinosaur Eggs Frozen Sensory Play -

Recycled. Crafts.

Toilet Paper Roll Snake Craft made with Washi Tape via -


All By Myself Preschool Boxes from -

Tide pool

Science Activity for Kids: Learn about high and low tide! (& end up with a fun ocean themed sensory... -

Handicrafts: )

Sock Dragon Project | Neddlework Crafts -
Early Childhood Themes...thematic units for preschoolers and kindergarten children. Has links to ac... -

Themes. Unit Studies.

Themes for Early Childhood -- A GREAT RESOURCE that explains what themes (aka "thematic units") are ... -


How to Be More Like the Amish Is your life crazy? Do you want things to slow down? Here’s a few way... -


How To Make Your Own Calamine Lotion For Skin Care -

Just neat. Soo neat!

Greatly Blessed: Fun With Water Beads -
different systems of the human body -
How to make a homeschool planner for under $1 -

Recycled crafts :)

Paper Roll Castle -

More yum nom nom noms: )

Here are 7 Fun Seasonal Snack ideas to make good use of all the food in season right now! #summer #r... -


Watermelon ice cubes. Slice and mash in ice tray and freeze for drinks later! -


Free food frenzy

So, today is free food day. Chik-fil-a and 711 have free grub. We dressed up and went. It was yumstatic: ) Then we went to 711 and got free slurpees! !! Of course while we were gone the goats got out, but the punk kids that did nit dress up with us saved them. Yeah for punk kids: )

One serious baby cow ;)

The making of the cow-stumes! !

Baby cows!!!!

I'm a cow!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The way the day began...

      I had two visitors today!! I LOVE visitors!! One of my most favorite Ladies in the WORLD came over today, Miss Wendy, with two beautiful chickens and a teeny tiny little bitty chick!! Charlie then popped in, whilst on his bike ride, to bring us some homemade zesty pickles!
      Then the day began! It is hot here in Virginia, like super duper scooper hot and humid. There is also a hurricane, or something of that nature coming our way, which adds to our already humid swampy mass that we call home. I don't really watch the news, basically some wind and A LOT of water falling from the sky.
      So, of course today is pay day, which means it is grocery shopping day, with a hurricane coming. Upon getting in the car, I realized my darling husband had left the key on and the battery was dead. Lovely, lovely boys fixed it for me and in about half an hour Luca and I were off to the feed store, the grocery story, and the ice cream shop. It wasn't as crazy as I expected, expecially for the first storm of the year. There weren't any of the tortillas that I was looking for, and no whole milk??? Most of the water was already cleared out by 2pm, so people have been! The boys are going to have to settle for 2% (gasp!), but there was ramen and cereal, so they will be ok.
     I do still have to go to the store to get medications, that of course have to be filled the day before a storm, so I am hoping it isn;t going to be too bad there either. Oh, and I have to get some trukey and mayo for Hailey that I forgot at the store. The child dosen't ask for too much, in the food department, so I try to keep her stocked for sandwiches.
    My phone is on order, finally! Which means I will be able to start uploading pictires for you guys!! I'm going to try with my husband's phone tonight, we will see. I love technology, but it hates me. we are just not equally yoked, but I am steadfast in our relationship. This ship shall not sink on my watch, this blog is going to get done...LOL!
      No to find out about our hurricane-like storm and go get medicines!! I htink we will be fine, unless that is, we loose power. Four teenagers without electricity...Lord help us ;)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Blog!

     Oh look, another "mom" blog! what shall you ever do??? Ha! 


        So, I'm Heather. I have been happily married to my best friend, Frank, for 10 years. We live on a small 5 acre lot that we are trying to make into a modern homestead, with live stock and produce. We have a teenage daughter, Hailey (Lord help us), Two teenage boys, Patrick and Christian, and our 8 year old gentleman, Luca. Here at the farmette we raise goats, chickens, pot belly piggies, and rabbits. Along with a dog, 4 cats, and 2 chinchillas that I was talked into. It gets hard, but we are chuggin' along.
       Our kids are homeschooled, so y'all will se a ton of posts about homeschooling, curriculum. There are a lot of mouths to feed here, and we never turn anyone away. I'm always looking for a way to budget something in, and make something homemade. It helps our wallets and homemade stuff is usually more natral and just plain better for ya! We can and preserve things,and put stuff up for the year. So you should find a collage of homesteading, homeschooling, farming, live stock, gardening, canning, preserving, health and beauty stuff, educational links for curriculum, goats, dairy, soapmaking, anything I can try to figure out how to do , I am going to post about. 
      The best part is that we have NO IDEA WHAT WE ARE DOING...LOL!! we grew up in the city, this is a whole new world, We are renovating a house that was abandoned for 4 years, figuring out gardens and animals, while teaching and raising the kids. So, it should be interesting!
       It gets hot in the South, and humid , and sticky, just like life can be. We have bigger dreams than we have wallets, and we are trusting i the Lord to make this all work. We have manners (most of the time), we love God and we try to be the best people that we can be. We are somma those "crazy" people that homeschool their kids, eat eggs from the back yard, and drink our water from the spiket :)